About Pepper Creates
The 'who' and the 'why' Pepper Creates

If you're reading this now, chances are you've already met or heard of 'Nikki Pepper' (That's me!)
I've been self-employed since 1997 and have a wide variety of experience in running different businesses and organisations.
Out of gratitude to those who helped me through the years, I endeavour to continue to pay it forward and help others share their gifts, passions, products, and services with the world, ethically and fairly easily.

How I got to here
My first business started in 1997 is now called 'Magnotherapy for Health'. Through this business, I sold natural pain relief products all over England and often Wales at county shows and fairs. Once our family started to grow, I started to become interested in websites. After a year or so with WordPress, followed by a year with Wix, I found and fell in love with Create (the platform that this website is made on)
'Pepper Creates' began as a bit of a side project in 2015 while I networked with other business owners and a few not-for-profit organisations. Work consisted of anything from creating a full website to explaining how various social networks would be advantageous or setting up automated email marketing templates. During the last few years, I've also facilitated several peer-to-peer mentoring groups. I have also run both face-to-face and online training workshops.

There's a Creative in all of us
Through building relationships with those I met over the years, I can see that everyone has the ability to be creative. We create all the time. Ideas, processes, solutions. I love the co-creating process when I work with others on a new website or a new project. It's definitely a two-way process and the more involved you can be in your projects, from my experience so far, the better.
Keeping costs affordable
I believe in an ethos of generosity over greed. Kindness and generosity are a currency and where I position myself to help and support people with the same understanding, I do so in the good faith that others will pay reasonable support forward. Websites, networking, and marketing don't have to cost a fortune, however, personal and financial investment is required to make everything work.

"You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things"