Mentoring and Accountability
Unlocking Your Potential
Personal Guidance with Pepper Creates

I have facilitated several mentoring groups through Link4Business and while I thoroughly enjoy doing this and get a lot out of them myself, they can also be pretty challenging for all involved.
Some of the people I have worked with over the years also gained the benefit of my own experiences which in turn proved valuable perspective.
Should anyone consider that I might be in a good position to guide, advise, brainstorm or talk through ideas or challenges, then the door is open and perhaps we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
OMG! (Online Mentoring Groups)
I continue to make myself available for the 'Online Mentoring Groups' which are run through Link4Business (which is an element of the not for profit organisation 'Link4Growth') Any Link4Business member can apply to participate on a 6 month course for the cost of their Link4Business membership. If you would like to find out more about this, please get in touch or check out the Link4Business website.

Participate in Peer to Peer Mentoring via member owned 'Link4Business'.
Membership costs just £12 per month and the mentoring group is free for Link4Business members.