The Ripple Effect

What I've been reading

What I've been watching

What I've been listening to

What I've been doing

Pepper Time (you can touch this!)

So who is Nikki Pepper and what makes her tick?

According to the 16 personalities text, I make up just 1% of the population and considered a 'Turbulent Advocate' (You can take the test yourself for free here)

While probably now more introverted at heart than I used to be, I'm not one to often share deep thoughts on social media or get into a heated debate but that doesn't mean I don't care or not interested in the world around me.

Consider 'Pepper Time' a form of blog where I'll share a few of my favourite things and perhaps a few quirky hobbies too.

What I've been reading | What I've been watching | What I've been listening to | What I've been doing

I'm going to included audiobooks in this reading section as you may prefer to listen to your books. For me, I'm often influenced by the reader and if the author is reading it

Living Untethered - Michael A Singer

To remove an item from this collection, hover your mouse over it and click on the red Delete icon that appears to the top left of the item

Happy Minds, Happy Life - Dr Rangan Chatterjee

This block is an item collection and allows multiple similar items to be added and removed. You can drag these items to reorder them.

Lost Connections - Johann Hari

To add more items to this collection, click the + button that appears to the right of the final item when hovering your mouse over this block.

Atlas of the Heart - Brene Brown

You can change the number of items shown on each row by clicking on the Change Layout icon. This can be found on the right hand toolbar.

Heading Text

What I've been watching | What I've been reading | What I've been listening to | What I've been doing

Ted Lasso - Apple TV

To remove an item from this collection, hover your mouse over it and click on the red Delete icon that appears to the top left of the item

Rich Roll Podcast

This block is an item collection and allows multiple similar items to be added and removed. You can drag these items to reorder them.

Happy Time Murders - The Muppets

To add more items to this collection, click the + button that appears to the right of the final item when hovering your mouse over this block.

Brene Brown & Chase Jarvis

You can change the number of items shown on each row by clicking on the Change Layout icon. This can be found on the right hand toolbar.

Pre-heading Text

Heading Text

Elements like this introductory text can often be hidden in the block settings

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